You are in the center of Cracow. How is it that you suddenly enter the battlefield, where you are surrounded by several thousand horses, then you are about to move onto sea to become captain of the ship, a few minutes later you are in the Market Square in Cracow, but just to play the St. Mary’s Trumpet Call, because any second from now you will be watching the heroic defense of Westerplatte day by day? From September 29th, you will be able to experience all of this in HistoryLand.
All our LEGO® models are already in place – in the old PKP Cracow main train station. Now we are entering another very important phase of preparing for the opening of the HistoryLand – we install amazing interactive solutions around them. Soon, thanks to that, at the battle of Oliwa, you will not only look at the clashes of Polish and Swedish galleons, but you will also grab a specially prepared steering wheel and completely change the weather at sea. A moment later, you will look at the details of the monastery built from LEGO® bricks in Jasna Gora, then you will put on your VR glasses and look at the building from the bird’s perspective. Unusual attractions will also await you in the space dedicated to the settlement in Biskupin, the battle of Tannenberg or Monte Cassino, Gdansk Shipyard and… Well, you cannot just think that we will tell you everything right now! HistoryLand just have to be visited and discovered by yourself!
Our center opens Sept. 29, but pre-sale tickets are already in progress – details can be found here.